Maxime Folschette

Maxime Folschette

Maître de conférences Centrale Lille Institut / CRIStAL

I am associate professor (maître de conférences) at Centrale Lille Institut / CRIStAL.

My teaching and research areas are computer science.

My main research topic is the analysis and learning of dynamical biological models.

Current position: Maître de conférences (associate professor)
Employer: Centrale Lille Institut,
Laboratory: CRIStAL (UMR 9189),
Research Group: BioComputing.
by theme:
Glucose/insulin modeling through ODEs: Cédric Lhoussaine, Danilo Dursoniah.
Model checking on discrete models: Olivier Roux, Morgan Magnin, Martin Lange, Loïc Paulevé, Emna Ben Abdallah, Courtney Chancellor.
Machine learning of discrete models: Olivier Roux, Morgan Magnin, Katsumi Inoue, Tony Ribeiro, Sophie Tourret.
Hybrid models (parameters inferences, model checking): Jean-Paul Comet, Jonathan Behaegel, Honglu Sun, Morgan Magnin.
Data inference: Nathalie Théret, Vincent Legagneux, Carito Guziolowski, Arnaud Poret, Lokmane Chebouba.
Model reconstruction: Carito Guziolowski, Marie Lefebvre, Alban Gaignard, Jérémie Bourdon.
Semantic web: Alban Gaignard, Hala Skaf.
Main international
Tokyo, Japan: Katsumi Inoue.
Kassel, Germany: Martin Lange.
Hybrid Hoare Logic tool,


Centrale Lille (for mail)

CRIStAL (for visits)

General information

Research topics

Domain: Computer science / Formal methods / Bioinformatics
Keywords: Formal Methods, Biological Regulatory Networks, Parameters Inference, Static Analysis, Polyadic μ-calculus, Hoare Logic
Models: Thomas Modeling, Process Hitting, Automata Networks, Hybrid Automata

Previous occupations

PhD Thesis

I held my PhD thesis on the 8th of October 2014 in the IRCCyN lab (now LS2N) at the École Centrale de Nantes (Nantes, France) on the following subject: Modélisation algébrique de la dynamique multi-échelles des réseaux de régulation biologique (in English: Algebraic Modeling of the Dynamics of Multi-scale Biological Regulatory Networks).

Related documents:


Book chapters

Journals with full-paper selection

Conferences and workshops with full-paper selection

Other publications

Previous research interest: nuclear fusion



Additional Information


I am currently mentoring two PhD students and an engineer:

Past PhD student who successfully defended:

I have mentored the following Master students:


I currently give lessons and practicals at Centrale Lille and its internal school IG2I. I mainly teach:

I previously gave lessons and practicals at École Centrale de Nantes, at IUT de Nice and at Faculté des Sciences de Nantes in the following areas:

Other activities

Former member of the AED (now ACDC), an association for PhD students on the Centrale Nantes campus.

I participated in seminars to teach the basics of Latex to PhD and Master students. [ Slides 2014(fr): 1, 2, 3 | Slides 2016(fr): 1, 2, Exercices ]

I presented a 2-session informal seminar on Coq in order to present theorem provers in the scope of NantesFP. [ Slides(fr): 1, 2; Exercices(fr) ]

Master and PhD subjects

Are you looking for a Master internship or a PhD contract? Check the available subjects or contact me directly.